Friday, September 9, 2016

Food Lovers' Dream Night - The AHA Culinary Classic (GIVEAWAY).

What's the ultimate food experience in September? If you'd like to encounter the best of what Arkansas's top chefs have to offer, you need to attend the Arkansas Hospitality Association Culinary Classic. Find out when, where, and how you can win passes to go.

Marsia Stivers Zakowski is the winner. Thank you all for sharing and entering!

It's one thing to visit a really cool restaurant with your food loving beau or gal. It's another thing entirely to sample so many at one point. 

But that's exactly what happens at the AHA Culinary Classic, one of the premiere food events in the state of Arkansas, each year. Unlike other cool events such as Diamond Chef, you get to sample all sorts of great and innovative food items from some of the top up and coming chefs in the business. Which chefs? Check out this list.

*Chef Bonner Cameron, Bistro Gourmet and Catering
*Chef Lauren Creel, Little Rock Marriott
*Chef Brandon Douglas, Green Leaf Grill
*Chef Matthew Dunn, Capital Hotel
*Chef Paul Krawic, Little Rock Marriott
*Chef Jan Lewandowski, Arkansas Culinary and Hospitality Management Institute
*Chef Josh Marling, Southland Racing & Gaming
*Chef Pratik Mugre, Capital Hotel
*Chef Javier Salcedo, Capital Hotel
*Chef Wendy Schay, Arkansas Culinary and Hospitality Management Institute
*Chef Mario Torres, Little Rock Marriott

That's just a partial list.

Bring your date to the Statehouse Convention Center, down to Hall 4, come in and enjoy all sorts of great items. The little plates you get to sample are the same entrees, desserts and such the judges are poring over. That's right, you can experience a judge's point of view on gorgeous, tasty bites.

More than that, you get to judge these items yourself. There's a People's Choice Award, and you get to vote on that, too.

There's also a silent auction with all sorts of goods you'll want to check out. And hey, you'll see a lot of the Arkansas food
community there, such as the illustrious Christie Morgan Ison of Fancy Pants Foodie as well as photographer Grav Weldon and myself. If you don't get to go, you still get to live vicariously through our Tweetstorm that night.

All those photos you see with this entry? Yeah, they're from previous Culinary Classics. Hungry now?

So here's your chance to come join us and experience a fantastic night in Arkansas food. To qualify, share this post AND comment below before noon on Monday. Be sure to include your name and hometown. I'll post the winner after the contest ends, and your name will be on the guest list for you and your plus-one to attend.

Want another chance? Head over to Fancy Pants Foodie and share and comment there as well. Why not double up?

You can purchase tickets for $45 each here.

To learn more about the Arkansas Hospitality Association's Culinary Classic, click here.


  1. What a dweam come twoo! Rachel McCorkle, North Little Rock.

  2. What if it's just me? Do I get twice as much?

  3. Marsia Z of Beebe of love two go would be a wonderful experience ... Liked and shared


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