I have strange feet.

When I was born, my feet weren’t quite right. They turned inward. Left uncorrected, I would likely have had problems the rest of my life with them.
But shortly after I was born, there were specialty shoes put on my feet, connected by a brace. This brace would be part of my life for some time, but it was worth it.
My feet, for the most part, straightened out. I grew older, I grew up and I walked like everyone else – well, I walked.
I wore corrective shoes for years. I’d have to go get fitted every once in a while at a special shoe store on University in the old Park Plaza Mall. Sometimes they were white, sometimes brown, ALWAYS clunky. I used to envy other kids I saw running around in sneakers.
Oh, sometimes I didn’t wear them… like to church or for some social functions. It always felt so good to wear “normal” shoes. But then I’d be back in them, and they’d be ouchy for a bit.
I did grow older, and my feet did get better, and I did better too. I eventually got to the point where I didn’t need the corrective shoes any more. Still, I was limited. I never did well as a young’un in heels, and sandals would twist on my feet. I wore flip-flops all summer. And when I was in junior high and high top sneakers came back into style, I was in heaven – because they really supported my weak ankles and kept my feet in line.
I got older. I grew up. I lived in high-tops as long as I could find them – which was about into the mid-Aughts. I lusted after knee high boots – which didn’t come in the fat calf sizes I would like. For the most part.
And then, I could. I put on a pair of fancypants platform boots in the fall of 2007 and wore them everywhere. They were as much a part of my tie dyed persona as the jeans and the colorful shirts and the hats. I towered over the average joe, adding a few inches to my already 5’9” height. I felt so empowered…
And then the dang boots wore out. Seriously. By March 2008 they’d popped stitches and were all but falling apart. I tried another pair. They were done by June. And then I was pregnant and scared to death of wearing any heeled boots at all!
I had Hunter. I started traveling again. I found that outside of the food stories, I was getting out in the backwoods a lot. I was climbing up rocks and traversing fields and whatnot. I was crawling off the side of Scenic Highway Seven looking for a shot. Scooting out onto the edge of Beaver Lake for a better look at Monte Ne. Crawling into a boat and trout fishing and then climbing back on the bank. Fancy boots just weren’t going to cut it.
So when Country Outfitters made me an offer I couldn’t refuse, I took it. I dug through page after page after page of cute boots on their website… and while they were all cute, and they were all functional, nothing really caught my eye. I needed something that was strong and durable, yet a little feminine, too.
That’s when I found these. They’re Twisted X boots… which, considering me, is fitting, right? A tannish green and steel toed, these
Twisted X Lite Cowboy work boots with red flowers were the sort of thing I’d been looking for. They were just cute enough I could get away with wearing them to social functions… yet hearty enough I wouldn’t feel bad climbing out of a river in.
I picked mine up at the Arkansas Women Bloggers Unplugged Conference, this year held at the Ozark Folk Center in Mountain View. There were other cool bloggers there, and when we were given the chance to pick up our new boots, I recognized mine right away. They were different from the rest. While everyone else was fawning over sleek, chic pointy-toed affairs, I was clamboring into these big fellows and feeling like I could take on the world.
Thing is, my feet have come a long way. They’ve also carried me a long way as well, all over and under and around Arkansas and through so many other states as well. I know in these boots I won’t have to worry about having my toes broken if I drop something or my photographer accidentally steps on them. I also know they’re going to last a heck of a long time.
So, where am I going with all of this? You could have some boots of your own, too. Doesn’t have to be something strong and heavy like what I have with the fabulous
Twisted X boots, either. There are so many Country Outfitter boots to choose from.
Country Outfitter is giving you a chance to win a $150 gift certificate to go shopping on them! So here’s what I want you to do.
Click here & submit your email address to Country Outfitter (you may receive occasional emails from them).
2. Leave a comment here on the blog letting me know you submitted your email to Country Outfitter.
3. While you’re at it, tell me something about your feet. Where have they taken you?
A random winner will be selected in one week (Thursday, October 11, 2012) after 10 p.m. CDT.
Good luck, and keep walking.