We saw a lot of interesting things along the side of the road

By what, you may wonder?
By wind turbines.
As we drove along I-40 into town, we noticed a series of wind turbines off in the distance. I was hoping for a closer look, and fortunately, I had my shot.
Each of the 98 wind turbines is 262 feet tall. The blades on each one are more than 122 feet long. The bases are 14 feet in diameter -- and each of these beauties can generate up to 147 megawatts of power. A computerized generator at the top of each one is set to angle the blades so they take the best of the wind each day.
Weatherford didn’t appear to be that big of a town, and these silent giants seem a bit large. But they are graceful and beautiful -- and they’re not putting smoke into the air or using up coal or even nuclear power.
As we passed into New Mexico and saw yet more of the silent giants, I started wondering…
Wind turbines aren’t just something that big cities and big corporations can afford. With a little help, the rest of us can, too. A residential wind turbine system costs an average of $6000 to $22,000 per home. That may seem like a lot right now, but think about your electric bill…
Why aren’t there any along Arkansas’ roadways?
Seems to me there’s plenty of wind available along I-40 and I-30 and Hgihway 65. I could envision the gentle giants peacefully spinning atop Crowley’s Ridge or out in the fields near Eudora, no sweat.
And there’s always a lot of wind at the Legislature to think about, too.
Just a thought to share from the road.
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