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Thursday, December 24, 2015

36 Christmas Novelty Songs (With No Chipmunks Whatsoever).

The yuletide holiday brings out the joy, and sometimes the strange and ridiculous, in all of us. In that happy vein, here's a fine selection of Christmas novelty tunes to enjoy.
Many of you know I started out as a novelty music DJ. Though it's been 20 years now since my strangely named Th'XNTRYK Show went off the air, I still adore unusual songs and parodies and try to keep a collection going.

YouTube, of course, has made that a lot easier.  Here's some of the best (and worst, sorry about that) songs to warm your Christmas cockles.  You can also listen to the playlist on YouTube, here.

1.  A new favorite of mine, performed by Pledge Drive.  Great job with this video, syncing it up with Queen's original.

2. How do you catch a Santa Claus? Apparently with a lasso.

3. You can't get smoother than this concoction of John Legend, Steven Colbert and "Nutmeg."

4.  When you're tired f Margaritaville, head to Christmas Island.

5. I rather enjoyed this well-done Enter Sandman parody.

6.  Yes, Mele Kalikimaka is a somewhat popular Christmas tune, but what the heck.

7.  Like the Barenaked Ladies?  Oh yeah.

8.  Alice Cooper has the most awesome sense of humor.

9.  This coffeehouse gem is a new one for me.

10. Bob Dylan? Polka? Must Be Santa.

11.  This one was a standard on the old show. Never gets old.

12. Yeah, Pearl, I hear ya. Best gift of all.

13.  I adore Tom Lehrer.  He hits a little too close to home on this, though.

14. Adorable.  Just adorable.

15.  How about Christmas... in jail?

16.  An old favorite from Tommy.

17.  The oldest number on the list, a bluesy tune from Bessie Smith.

18.  Santa's good for more than just consuming cookies and milk, apparently.

19.  This one's... different.  But that's perfect for this collection.

20.  This is a pretty nice animation sync for a classic song.

21.  And the antidote to cute is... The White Stripes.

22. From the women who informed you "It's Raining Men," a... another song.

23.  My favorite Christmas song.

24.  AC/DC is always a classic.

25.  Surf's up, Santa.

26.  This year, this is Hunter's Christmas song.

27.  And now, for something completely different.

28.  Even Guns N' Roses has a Christmas song.

29.  Probably the most-heard on this list, but you cannot beat Eartha Kitt.

30.  Were you also naughty this year?

31.  This one... well, this might be a closer.

32.  KORN.  Yes, even KORN has a holiday tune.

33.  Another classic from the old show, so smooth.

34.  This may be the strangest entry in this collection.

35.  Some say this is Twisted Sister at its best.

36. And to wrap it up, Coldplay.  Go home, people.

If you enjoyed this election, then yay, I'm so pleased. If I missed some good ones (and we're not talking about anything with an Alvin in the band), feel free to post them in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Another Bob Rivers song: There's Something Stuck Up In The Chimney


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