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Friday, August 7, 2015

Moving and Mixifying.

Have a kid?  If yours is like mine, the hot weather has kept her inside and not doing much this summer.

But I got to see a whole lot of kids get moving this week at MacArthur Park, thanks to the Mixify Tour.  More than 200 teenagers from Little Rock and close by gathered to enjoy the events surrounding the tour.  The aim?  To help teenagers find balance in their lives, especially when it comes to diet and exercise.

A photo posted by Grav Weldon (@lordgrav) on

The first-of-its-kind, multi-year national program started up last September as a special program by the American Beverage Association, the Coca-Cola Company, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group and Pepsico, to engage teenagers through communications channels they use.  It was developed with input from both teenagers and moms, and it's meant to educate kids on the importance of keeping a good balance between eating, drinking and staying active.

A video posted by Grav Weldon (@lordgrav) on

A photo posted by Grav Weldon (@lordgrav) on

The center of the program is the Mixify Tour truck, a former 25-foot food truck that's been repurposed into a traveling balance billboard.  The idea?  Eat, Drink and Do.  The activities that take place wherever the truck sets up shop include group fitness classes, music and questions answered. And there's free stuff, too.

The tour also offers a little social media instruction for kids, and a selfie-station, so they can share where they're at and what they're up to. In this way, they might provide a little inspiration to their peers.

Check out some of the photographs from the Mixify Tour stop in Little Rock here on Facebook.

Learn more about the Mixify Tour and see where that cool looking truck is headed next at the website.

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